Technical Data
- Max Measuring range: 99999.9m/99999.9inch
- Accuracy: 0.5%
- Power: 3V (2XL R3 batteries)
- Suitable temperature: -10-45℃
- Diameter of the wheel: 318mm
Button Operation
- ON/OFF: Power on or off
- M/ft: Shift between metric and inch system’s stands for metric. Ft stands for inch system.
- SM: store memory. After measurement, push this button, you will store the measures data in memory m1,2, 1 shows the display.
- RM: recall memory, push this button to recall the stored memory in M1---M5.If you store 5m in M1.10m in M2, while the current measured data is 120.7M,after you push the button rm once, it will display the data of M1 and an additional R sign at the right corner. After several seconds, it will show the current measured data again. If you push rm button twice. It will show the data of M2 and an additional R sign at the right corner. After several seconds, it will show the current measured data again.
- CLR: Clear the data, push this button to clear the current measured data.

● Wall to Wall Measurment
Place measuring wheel on the ground, with the back of your wheel up against the wall.Proceed to move in a straight line to the next wall,Stop the wheel up againet the wall.Record the reading on the counter.The reading must now be added to diameter of the wheel.
● Wall To Point Meassurment
Place measuring wheel on the ground,with the back of your wheel uo against the wall,Proceed to the move in a straight line trhe end point,Stop the wheel with the lowest point over the make.Record the reading on the counter,The reading must now be added to the Readius of the wheel.
● Point to Point Measurment
Place measuring wheel on the starting point of the measurment with lowest point of the wheel on the mark.Proceed to the next mark at the end of the measurement.Recording the reading one the counter.This is the final measurement between the two points.